
Sunday Blessings XVIII

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone! It certainly is for me!

(Bee)autiful Blessings

Yesterday was terrific. The weather was beautiful and we spent the majority of it outside. Our upstairs neighbors Ellen and Jim have been wanting to fix up our backyard and we've been thinking the same thing. So we spent all day weedwacking, shoveling, weeding and all-around beautifying our shared porch. The results? Beautiful. Check out this picture Ellen snapped of Chuck and I enjoying our new space!

To top it all of, we ended the night with wine and great conservation. We're so blessed to have such great neighbors!

In the 10 months I've lived in Pittsburgh I have yet to make it to church once. But this morning, that changes! I finally have a Sunday off from work and our Pastor in Ohio connected us with a Presbyterian church about a half hour away that we're going to check out. Yay for God time!

My hubby-to-be is hands-down one of the sweetest guys alive. He gets a lot of flack from his brothers and friends for being the baby and being as cute and innocent as he is, but he refuses to change. His positivity and good nature are infectious and he genuinely sees the good in everyone. Just one of the millions of reasons why I am so crazy in love with him.

How has God blessed you this week? Grab a button and link-up below. And have a beautifully blessed Sunday!