
Charlie's First Day of Pre-K (and Other Mommy Blogger Musings)

A little bit of real talk before I launch into an ode to how adorable my child is. Since I went back to work full-time last June, it would be an understatement to say I've let this blog become a little neglected. It wasn't an intentional choice; just something that had to slide off my plate to make room for everything else going on in life.

I don't know if you know this or not, but toddlers are a lot. Chuck and I have been feeling a little burnt out lately. They say that comparison is the thief of joy, so I try to find contentedness and gratitude in what truly and genuinely is a very fortunate and happy life. However, in my less "Pollyanna" moments I look to my friends who have children around the same age whose parents are able help with childcare and the little green monster of envy gets stirred up in me. That's not a slight toward our boys' grandparents because I know if they could, they would. It just wears on you to be in parenting mode all the time (and the cost of childcare can be tough pill to swallow!)

All of that to say, that blogging has moved down my list of priorities and I've spent a lot of time thinking about why I don't want to let this space go, even if it's rarely used these days. I think I've narrowed it down to two things: 1. I suck at scrapbooking, so this weird little online space is essentially my kids' baby book, and 2. Writing is just a part of my genetic makeup. I feel like I simply don't know how to exist in this world without it.

So, if you like to follow along with my pretty mundane little life- I've got good news for you, I'm not going anywhere. Whether you'll be receiving more regular content any time soon is probably a crap shoot. I'm not in a season where that feels doable yet, but who knows- I may get there soon.

But I digress...my firstborn started Pre-K! Last year, Charlie attended a 2-day/week preschool at the local Methodist church. It was a sweet little program, but it required a lot of coordinating transportation logistics which was an annoying stressor in our life that I was all too ready to give up. Our local school district has a Pre-K program in which kids can ride the bus with school-aged kids, so that was really all I needed to know.

The program is made up of 2/3 students with special needs and 1/3 typically developing students. On top of the provided transportation, I really liked the idea of Charlie attending school with some of his special needs peers. On top of having a Grandpa who was disabled for twenty years, our boys' also have two sweet cousins on the autism spectrum. I want my boys' to be surrounded by other kids who are differently abled. I never thought much about my Dad's disability while he was alive because he was just my Dad. I didn't think of him as "a disabled person." However, since his death I've spent some time meditating on ways in which I can be a better advocate for children and adults with special needs and/or disabilities. I don't have any real answers yet, but this feels like a start.

His first day was last Wednesday and after a couple days of transportation issues, I think we finally got him on a bus schedule that works for him and his sitter. He hasn't told me nearly anything about how he spends his days, but I know that he loves riding the bus with the big kids! And Mommy loves that his school has an app where his teacher sends pictures and classroom updates so I have some semblance of knowledge of what he's doing four mornings per week!

Once we've gotten these first couple weeks under our collective family belt, we're also going to be enrolling him in a boys' tumbling class. This kid never stops moving and loves to do flips so it seems like the perfect fit. Mommy is excited for him to burn off some of that energy and learn a fun new skill!

On top of that, our Crosby Loren turns 3 in less than three weeks! It may take me another month to draft a post, but definitely stay tuned for my little Ninja Turtle's birthday celebration!

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