
2017 Year in Review

Helene in Between

Am I the only one who just loves Year in Review posts? I love getting a glimpse into people's lives and seeing what they managed to accomplish in a year. 2017 was an odd year for us. I spent most of my time as a SAHM, trying to find ways to side hustle and supplement our family's income. It felt like we spent the year just operating in survival mode. But in between surviving, we managed to fit a lot of life in. We created some super sweet, fun memories with our boys and just reveled in the fact that we get to be Mom and Dad to these amazing little souls.

Today, I'm linking up with Helene in Between to share my 2017 Year in Review:


In January, I strapped Crosby to my chest and marched alongside my friends in the Women's March on Washington sister march in Cincinnati. 


In February, I took on a job co-managing our local Farmers' Market. My Mom visited and a good friend from college was in the States from Kenya. Crosby and I got to meet up with him in Cincinnati for a quick meal. I also finally got to meet my Dayton Moms Blog team in person.


In March, I started figuring out how to actually make my blog profitable. I started using social media more to my advantage, started applying for sponsored blog opportunities, and tried to learn how to boost my online presence. I planted a backyard garden and the boys' got their Easter pictures taken.


In April, I started back at my old employer in a part-time, seasonal position. My college besties came to visit. After months of not making ends meet, I applied for the WIC program. Chuck and I celebrated our birthdays.


In May, I had the best Mothers' Day ever hiking with my boys in a local state park. I painted our dining room and we took a trip to the U.S. Air Force Museum. We spent Memorial Day weekend in Upstate New York visiting my family and Chuck and I got our first kid-free night since Crosby was born.


In June, the Summer Farmers' Market season kicked off so I was busy every weekend at the Market. I also started working part-time at a local nonprofit as a Director of Marketing. Our family hit up Celtic Fest Ohio. 


In July, my Mom came to visit July 4th weekend and we visited the Dayton Food Truck rally. We went to a Dayton Moms Blog playdate at Aullwood Farm.


In August, Charlie and I got to have a Mommy/Son date at National Night Out. I painted our upstairs guest room and turned it into a nursery for Crosby. We had a family play date in Cincinnati.


In September, we celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary followed shortly by Crosby's first birthday. We started taking swimming lessons at Goldfish Swim School-Dayton and spent an afternoon at the Ohio Renaissance Festival.


In October, I ended my seasonal job and Chuck and I did the Whole30. My Dad had some serious health issues so Crosby and I spent a week with my family in New York so I could be with him during his surgery. I was sick on Halloween so unfortunately, we didn't do much.


In November, my Mom came to Ohio for Thanksgiving and we got our family Christmas pictures taken. 


In December, we did ALL the Christmassy things. We watched Christmas movies, visited Santa, drove through a Christmas light display, decorated cookies and went to see Cinderella in Cincinnati. I participated in my second Dressember fundraiser. We spent the week before Christmas at home with the flu, but managed to have a really fun Christmas Day. Charlie celebrated his third birthday. 

Top Post: Today is Day One

It was so hard to choose just one photo for each month. There was so much life to sort through in my Google photos! This has been the most fun year and it is 100% because of our boys. I love this Mom thing so much and can't wait to see what 2018 brings our family!