It has been nearly two months since I shared some blogger love. Which is way overdue, in my book. As an introvert and Mama to an infant- my social life is seemingly non-existent. This weird community of bloggers? These are my people. I have made friendships through this nerdy hobby of mine that I wouldn't trade for the world. I love delighting in the joys of other wanna-be writers, watching their families grow, and asking their advice when they've been "through it" before me. So to all the blogger ladies in my life, thank you. I love this community so much.
And without further ado, here are the ladies especially deserving of some blogger love:
Motherhood: My Sweet Surprise by The Life of Bon | "And then I met June and just like that it all changed." It always sounds like such a cliche, but it's always true! Motherhood truly has been the sweetest surprise, and Bonnie hits a homerun with this post.
Is 'having it all' a feminist fiction? by Rage Against the Minivan | "I love being a mom, and I love having a career, but I can’t help feeling like somewhere along the lines I was sold a bill of goods that anyone could adequately do them both." It feels so validating to know I'm not the one who feels like I'm going off the deep end trying to play this working Mom balancing act.
Double Your Instagram Following? by The Daily Tay | "Blogging is my hobby, my job, my thing. It might not always be, but for now it is and I enjoy it. So when someone cuts it down it bugs me. No one likes to be told their job isn't important anymore." Some days I really hate that I haven't figured out how to play the blogging game. My Instagram feed is an eyesore, I don't want to spend the money to buy followers, and my social media usage is sporadic at best. It was really humbling to know that someone as big as The Daily Tay feels the same way I do about this dying art called blogging.
The End of our Nursing Journey by | LaNeshe is one of those blogging friends I alluded to at the beginning. This woman is also a proud (former) breastfeeding, working Mama, and I honestly don't know if I would be handling all this pumping/breastfeeding shenanigans without her help along the way!
My Dreams for the Future by Hope Engaged | Katie is one of my favorite bloggers, possibly even people, on this planet. She is the kindest, most caring person ever, and I love that she shared her dreams for the next season of her life. She deserves each and every one.
Prophylactic Bilateral Mastectomy by Carolina Charm | I was completely stunned by the honesty and bravery behind Christina's post about the preventative steps she's taking to reduce her risk of breast cancer.
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Who have you been loving on lately?

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