
Charlie's First July 4th and Trip to NY!

Please excuse while I do a mini-photo dump. I know this is coming like a week late, but hello, have I mentioned I have a baby? July 4th weekend was the first that both Chuck and I could get a 4-day weekend. He started a new job just a couple months ago and didn't want to take any time off being the "new guy" and all. However, when the opportunity presented itself to take a trip up to visit my family in Upstate New York, there was no passing it up. This was the first time Charlie got to meet his Grandpa (my Dad), who is disabled and can't travel. He also got to go to his first pool party and hang out with his Grandpa (my step-dad), Grandma, and Aunt Kelly.

It was such a wonderful little respite for Chuck and I. It was the closest thing to a vacation we've had in about a year. We visited the sweet little town of Skaneatles, Saturday night was spent over Bud Light Razberitas and Cards Against Humanity with my family, and on Sunday night, we were so excited to have willing and (free!) babysitters that we made sure to escape to Dave & Buster's for a much-needed date night.

A 19-hour roundtrip drive with a six month old was no easy feat, but Charlie did so great. We're planning to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year, so it's good to know that Charlie can handle such a long drive! As promised, just a few pictures of some my fam-damily.