
Blogger Love v.5

It's been a hot minute since I sat down and shared some of my favorite posts of the week. I'm back to my job and trying to get the hang of this working Mama gig, so bear with me while I figure out when the heck to blog!

I'm playing catch-up, but here are some of my faves from the last 3 weeks:

All the Joys - Blogger Love

Just a Mom by Hippie at Heart | I love how Candace writes with such touching vulnerability. Just believe me when I say you should absolutely read her post about deciding whether or not to finish her degree for her baby girls' sakes.

40 Great Book Club Novels by Modern Mrs. Darcy | Ironically, I'm way better about completing book challenges with fellow bloggers whom I'll likely ever meet than I am about sticking to my assigned readings for book club with my IRL friends. However, this post gave me some great ideas for when it's my turn to pick a book for my real world book club!


  1. Awesome! I love finding new blogs to read and bloggers to love! Particularly ones about babies and books! Thanks for the rec's!

  2. the just a mom post was so sweet. and i love modern mrs darcy! i always get far too many recommendations from her!
