
Disposable Diaper Debate | My Review of 5 Top Brands

Before I even got pregnant, I totally pictured myself as a Mother Earth-type, cloth diapering Mama. Then the reality that I would be a full-time working mother kicked in, and I realized it just wouldn't be feasible for us to do the cloth diaper thing. The saddest part about that was that I really liked the eco-friendly aspect of cloth diapering. I'm no environmentalist, but the sad truth remains that our landfills are stuffed to the brim with petroleum-based diapers that will take over 500 years to biodegrade. I want to do my part to ensure that God's creation stays beautiful for my babies, grandbabies and generations to come. I also didn't like the idea of putting a chemical-filled diaper on my baby's bum.

I moved onto researching disposable diapers and decided I really liked the Honest Company. I filled my baby registry with Honest diapers in all patterns and sizes...and then Charlie was born. I've been using any and all diapers that were gifted to us, and a few that I ordered on-sale through Diapers.com. And here's how they've stacked up for me:

This was the brand of newborn diaper the hospital sent us home with and we continued to use the first few days of Charlie's existence. I have to admit, if it weren't for the fact that Pampers are no friend to the environment, I would have actually really liked this diaper. They were soft, and I imagine comfy for little Charlie, they fit him really well and the wetness indicator on the front was so helpful in determining when he needed a change, especially as brand new parents.
4/5 | Lowest price: $.23/(216 ct)

Once the Pampers ran out, we switched over to our stash of Honest diapers. Since Charlie was such  small baby, I was glad I had more than enough NB-sized diapers to go around. When it comes to Honest diapers, I love that they are cruelty-free, eco-friendly, plant-based...and mostly biodegradable. But if I'm being truly honest, the main reason I love them is because they have the cutest designs! I figure, if I have to change a poopy, stinky diaper, I at least want something cute to look at. The biggest downfall of Honest diapers? The pricetag. For about a month supply of diapers through their subscription program, you're paying $80. It's definitely on the higher end, and I just don't know if it's worth it to spend that much for something my baby is going to wear for 3 hours, pee in and then throw away.
4.5/5 | Lowest price: $.30/(264 ct *when purchased in Diapers & Wipes bundle- includes 4 pks wipes)

I hadn't heard of the Earth's Best brand until I started reading reviews of the best "green" diapers. Earth's Best kept coming up as the cheapest option for a more eco-friendly diaper so I was immediately intrigued. I got $50 worth of EB diapers for $30 on Diapers.com which was awesome. The fit has been excellent, we've had no leaks and obviously the fact they cost the same as most regular diaper brands is a huge selling point. They also have a rewards program, so when you buy any EB products, you can use your points to enter to win great prize packages and coupons. I've found that they are also frequently discounted on Diapers.com and Target's Cartwheel app. The only downfall for me is that they're really plain-looking. I know that shouldn't matter, but as I mentioned above, I'm a sucker for cute diapers!
4.5/5 | Lowest price: $.28/(176 ct)

Once, we made the transition to Size 1 diapers, I had a hand-me-down package of Luvs that I thought I would give a try. I was excited by the fact they looked all fluffy and comfortable and the tabs are so good at holding the diaper in place! However, we couldn't even make it through the entire package because we couldn't stand the way they smelled! As soon as Charlie would pee, they reeked of this headache-inducing, ammonia-like smell. With all the other diapers, we could smell if he peed when we took a big whiff, but with Luvs we could tell from 10 feet away. That fact alone took off major points for me.
1.5/5 | Lowest price: $.20/(252 ct)

In my pursuit of running an environmentally-friendly household, I've purchased SG products in the past and was ambivalent about their performance. Their diapers garnered pretty much the same response. They are unbleached, so the aesthetic is equivalent to taping a brown paper bag to your wee one's hiney. As far as quality, I wasn't overly impressed. Charlie had a medium-sized poop one day that was barely contained. They're also not biodegradable. Boo. On the plus side, I thought the tabs held well.
2/5 | Lowest price: $.26/(160 ct)

We're still working our way through our pre-Charlie stash, but as we look to start buying diapers, our choice is pretty obvious- The Honest Company and Earth's Best are our clear winners. Overall, I liked the Honest diapers better, but if I can find EB for a significant discount, I don't mind going that route either.

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If you're a parent, what have your experiences been in the diapering department? 
Do you have a favorite diaper?
For a more comprehensive comparison, check out this chart on BabyGearLab.com.

*Prices were based on Size 1 diapers via Diapers.com and Honest.com and do not include coupons/promo code savings