
The Name Game

Chuck and I honestly didn't 100% decide on Charlie's name until about a week before he was born. Through no fault of my husband's- I was just too indecisive! I couldn't figure out how people knew what their baby's name would be months before they were born. I had favorites, sure, but I felt like 1. Naming a human is a HUGE responsibility and 2. How would I know if the name fit until I met him?

After bouncing around many an option, we landed on Charles Davis. It meant a lot to Chuck to have our son named after him, and I was on-board under the condition that he be called "Charlie." I have probably given Chuck a complex with how many times I've told him how much I hate his name. The two things that come to my mind when I hear "Chuck?" Upchuck. Ground chuck. Gross. 

Charlie, on the other hand, was a name I loved and at the end of the day was the only name I could actually picture calling my son (besides Baby Pep, of course). When my Grandma passed in September, I wanted to name our baby after her. If we had had a girl, she would have been little Vera, but of course this is not how things went down. Davis was my Grandma's maiden name, so I thought it was the perfect name to incorporate for our little boy's middle name.

As much as I love Baby Pep's name, there were a few honorable mentions that I was reluctant to give up. These are some of the names that didn't make the cut: 

What are some of your favorite baby names?
Do you think we made the right choice (especially given my affinity for old people names)?

> > >


  1. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who wants to name someone Atticus!

  2. I've never met another person named Vera, but that's (one of) my grandma's name too.

  3. I think the name is great and I love that it has meaning to you guys :) My maiden name is Petersen, so our first son will be named Peter, which I never ever thought about until like right around when me and my husband got married, so it's kind of fun because it's something we stumbled upon together :)

  4. I was totally the same with our little girl. I couldn't settle on her name until she was born, whereas the other half was adamant before she was born. Turns out he was right, she came out and fit her name perfectly (Zoey Grace) :) but choosing her name was down right the hardest decision we made before she was born!

  5. I don't think these are old people names at all. Charlie Davis is perfect for your boy.

  6. I love hearing how you settled on Charlie's name! My husband and I came up with names prior, but I compeltely agree about wanting to see the baby first! Although we didn't change either name, we did change my daughter's first name spelling and we now call her by her middle name. Not that we don't like it, but we know too many little girls by the same name!

  7. We almost named my first dog Chuck because he threw up in the car on the way home... so, I totally see the upchuck thing!!! My friend had a baby in November and named him Atticus. I thought it was cute because her daughter's name is Ava Ruth, so they kind of go together. I definitely love the "older" names. If I could have a son, I would name him Everett, after my grandfather!

  8. It's funny, before he was born I thought I'd always refer to him as Pepeto, the formal name for baby Pep :), but now I could never call him that because he looks just a Charlie. And I love your "old person's names" esp Finnegan!

  9. That was my first choice for a boy name, but when it came down to it, I just couldn't picture calling him that. Not to mention, it seems to have become one of those trendy, hipster names which is super disappointing. Growing up as a Kaitlyn, I did not want Charlie to share a name with 10 other little boys in his class.

  10. Aww...so sweet! I think the fact that it's kind of an outdated name only adds to its allure for me :)

  11. That's so perfect! It's a good, classic name.

  12. Thank you! Can't wait for Baby Sunshine's name! <3

  13. I'm glad you share my struggle! I thought I was the only one!

  14. I totally get that. That was the one thing I was super adamant about- I didn't want to name him something trendy and common that every other kid was named. Of course, if it were up to me, I'd name him so weird hippie name like Rainbow Eucalyptus so fortunately, my husband helps to balance out my irrational desire for a unique name. Lol

  15. Bahahaha! Yup, I'm totally going to share that with Chuck the next time I rag on him. I LOVE the name Everett!

  16. I think so, too. Charlie was the only name I could picture calling him, though I do still refer to him as Pep from time to time :)

  17. Matilda!!! Love that name purely because it's so Aussie. I love that you got your grandmothers name in there, and it really goes well with Charles. I love older, english names - Henry and Elizabeth will be my childrens names.. so hopefully I have a boy and a girl ;) my grandmother's name is Shirley Constance, she hates Shirley so she has given me permission to use Constance. Her maiden name is Matthews, I don't feel like using that lol.

  18. I never made the Aussie connection- I've just always loved the name because of the Roald Dahl book! Haha I am SUCH a book nerd.
