
How We Announced (Or Didn't...)

Despite the fact that I post my innermost thoughts for the entire world to see, I'm weirdly a kind of private person. Or maybe it's not that I'm private, but absolutely loathe being the center of attention. I haven't made any kind of official announcement at work- my co-workers have just found out about my pregnancy because we work in an open office and eavesdropping just inevitably happens. I also didn't want to make any kind of Facebook-official announcement because I figured all the important people in our life would already know so it really wasn't necessary to proclaim it to high school classmates I haven't talked to in years. 

I wanted to make sure my extended family found out in a cute, personal way (i.e. not through social media), so I asked one of my best friends if she'd be willing to shoot some pictures of Chuck and I so we could send out an official announcement to our loved ones who weren't already in the know. Typical, gracious Rachel was happy to oblige and we asked her if she'd be willing to photograph us at our favorite Ohio spot, Branstrator Farm, where we were married way back in 2012. Even though I had almost 200 amazing ones to choose from, these are my favorites:
 And true to form, we couldn't escape without some ridiculous blooper shots:

It was nearly impossible to narrow it down, but in the end our families received a beautiful, Christmas-themed announcement courtesy of Shutterfly: