
I Quit

Several months ago, Chuck and I went to see Bob Goff, the author of Love Does, speak. Everyone in the audience was completely captivated by him and we were no exception. This man radiates the love of God the instant he enters a room.  He insists on hugs, rather than handshakes. He exemplifies what it means to live a Christ-like life. If you haven’t read Love Does yet, you must! It’s one of those books that causes you to step back and reevaluate your life’s priorities.


Anywho, one of the things Bob talked about that really stuck with me was his commitment to quitting. Every Thursday, he quits. Bob believes in living intentionally, and living for love. We all have things we stink at, things that weigh us down or things that cause us stress. Every Thursday, Bob quits one of those things.

I want to start quitting.

Today, I quit.

I quit worrying about money.

I will continue to be responsible with the money we have. But I will no longer stress about the money we don’t. Instead, I will trust in God’s plan for us. I will trust that when things fall through the cracks, He will always provide.

I quit.


  1. That's beautiful! We all have to remember to always be thankful and cherish what we have rather than mourn what we don't>>Easier said than done but still worthwhile :). Cool post!

  2. Amen sister! I LOVE this and can't wait to read that book! I read about him in the Donald Miller book "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" and just love the way he lives and embraces life!!!
