
The Facts of {Bee}

Considering yesterday was statistically the most depressing day of the year, it seems only fitting to devote a day to a light-hearted link-up. Plus, I get to fill you all in on some of the oh-so-fun quirks about yours truly! It's a win-win.

I detest odd numbers. Like I actually have a complex about the precise time in which I get out of bed. 6:37 AM? Forget it...I will stay in bed those extra 3 minutes just to avoid having a complete mental breakdown at the thought of not awaking at a nice, round, even number.
I suck at keeping in touch with people. Not just my old high school friends, but I can legitimately go weeks without talking to my own mother sometimes. It's horrible.
My justification for the aforementioned lame-ness? I live for face-to-face conversations. As far as I'm concerned, the phone can suck it. Hubby is probably the only person I ever call.
The only time I've been in the hospital was my freshman year of college when I fell from a cheerleading stunt and dislocated my elbow. I lived off oxycontin and rocked a bionic arm brace for a solid month and a half.

Clearly drugged at this point.

Chocolate constitutes an entire food group for me.
My worst job ever was as a housekeeper for a Best Western. People are gross, y'all. Respect your housekeepers- their job sucks.
If job-hunting was a full-time job, I could totally pull in six figures. I am constantly looking at job postings for dream jobs.
In the last 5 years, I've held 9 different jobs (not counting internships) and lived in 5 different homes (not counting dorms or my Mom's house). I guess you could say I have commitment issues.
I have two tattoos with plans to get more when I can justify spending the moolah.
I'm not exactly sure how to end this post. So, I'll abruptly stop here.
What are some fun facts about you?!