Another Sunday, another opportunity for some serious blessings-counting.

Kelly's coming to Pittsburgh! Kelly's coming to Pittsburgh! Okay, now that I got that out of my system. My baby sister was able to scrape together enough dough to come spend her entire Spring Break with me! I'm already envisioning vegan cooking, eating out, a trip to the Andy Warhol museum, window-shopping on the South Side. All the fun, touristy stuff that I've been waiting to do since I moved here, and of course, all with my favorite person in the world!
Umm...hello?! It's been in 70-80's for the last March! When has that ever happened?! I've been so ecstatic about the changing seasons that I've been slacking a little more than I should on schoolwork in order to play outside with my love. There's a nearby park that we've been visiting daily for some frisbee-tossing, tennis-playing action! I'm loving it!
Whine and complain as I may, I'm thisclose to completing my second semester of grad school! Two-ish weeks and two big papers to go and I'm free! It's not that I don't love my program or love being in school- but anyone who's done the college thing (grad or undergrad) knows that education=exhausting. I'm mentally drained and looking forward to a couple weeks of having zero responsibilities aside from loving on my hubby and getting my body in wedding-ready shape! C'mon, April!
My fiance is the cutest. Period. Every day he continues to demonstrate what a remarkable man he truly is. Exhibit A: Insisting on running to CVS at night to pick-up some aloe for my fake-bake burnt ass. Exhibit B: Totally going along with my crazy, vegan idealism and trying every new concoction I push his way. Exhibit C: Chuck- "Aww...did you see those little twins?" Kaity- "Yes, they're adorable." Chuck continues to watch them. Kaity- "Baby, do you have baby fever?" Chuck sheepishly responds, "Yeahh..."
Want to take part in some of your own blessings-counting? Grab a button on the sidebar and link-up below!
i am so happy i found your blog!!
ReplyDeleteit's absolutely darling.
bloggin friends!
i just found your blog as well! i love this post, so sweet and all things i love too. darling blog. feel free to stop by and be friends. happy blogging! xo