
Typically, Belatedly Thankful

Woo! A week has come and gone and the holidays have left me utterly neglectful!

My Thanksgiving break was much needed in more ways than one. So in typically belated fashion, these are the reasons I was so incredibly blessed and thankful for my holiday vacation...

[One] After a month apart, I got a whole week with the hubs!
[Two] Though short-lived, my Mommy and sister got to spend some time with my in-laws and see why I've fallen so in love with that small, Ohio town.
[Three] Friend dates! Time spent with friends I hadn't seen in months was glorious.
[Four] Breaking Dawn: Part 1. My hubs indulged my inner teenie bopper and took me to see it. He's so good to me :)
[Five] Engagement/Christmas pictures! We killed two birds with one stone and a family friend was kind enough to take us around Wilmington for what are sure to be beautiful pictures.
[Six] Both our parents divulged that they were planning to help us pay for our big day. We are so blessed!
[Seven] Music. Open Mic & Saturday Night Live. Two reasons I love the music-oriented community of my hometown.
[Eight] Time spent bonding with my future family. I'm getting a whole host of brothers and sisters in the near future and I'm so ecstatic! They're an amazing group of people.
[Nine] Food. 90% of the time I'm a good little vegetarian. But when I'm immersed in my carnivorous future family, I indulge...a lot. And I don't regret it for a second!
[Ten] CHRISTMAS PRE-GAMING. Christmas decorating, Christmas music, Christmas movies...I love it all!


  1. I can't wait to see the pictures!!

  2. And now I can take my Nyquil and go to bed. THANK YOU, dear Kaity for counting your blessings, which causes me to count mine. And I love your rainbow colored #'s!
